Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Stats for the day, as of 3pm:
· 6380 steps (on pedometer)
· 134.7 miles traveled
· Missed turns: 4 (2 in the Garden of the Gods, 2 outside of the park)
This morning my mom and I spent some time hiking on the land the Farnaan’s own (Pike National Forest) and admiring the craftsmenship and detail in the two cabins. After cleaning any trace of our presence and packing my overstuffed car, we headed to the Garden of the Gods. I can’t wait to show you some pictures!
I’m sitting currently at Bongo Billy’s Coffee-Bakery (thanks, Susan Wurtenberger!!!), where I had a most delicious chicken salad sandwich! There was something more than the dill that added to the flavor, and I think I’ll be trying to figure this recipe out when I return to Weston. Bongo Billy’s is in Buena Vista, CO, on our way to Crested Butte where we’re camping this evening.
Math thoughts for today:
· 45°F at 7am
70°F at noon (Both of these can be converted to Celsius AND can be used to calculate rates of change.)
· Balanced Rock is 700 tons. How many pounds is that?
There are more but my computer is about to run out of battery!
Hi! I love you! This looks awesome. I wish you all the best as you work through this adventure in learning!