Yesterday afternoon, my bruised and battered shins and I took a break from boxes and decided to enjoy the sunshine, poolside of course, and catch up on the latest Martha Stewart Living. I know this may sound silly, but this may be the very best issue of Living I've read, and it gave my spirit that jumpstart it needed. It's not that my life has been particularly difficult lately, just a bit chaotic and not at all grounded. I'd like to acknowledge right now how blessed I am. I'm blessed with a wonderful husband who works hard and appreciates that I love to cook him dinner, a family who is willing to use what little spare time they have to help me complete the annoying moving tasks of packing up those odds and ends of "stuff" and cleaning (and I admittedly have more of that "stuff" than most - what can I say, my parents blessed me with many talents), and currently, I'm not accountable for much more than continuing to make the boxes in the apartment disappear.
But, I needed to escape the boxes. So, after swimming some laps, which may be my new favorite way to "work out", I settled into a lounge chair and immersed myself in Martha. Each story made me want to call/text/email a friend or family member to say, "I'm reading this article in Martha Stewart Living, and it made me think of you." (How's that for "text to self" connections, reading teachers?) This means the next couple of hours were saturated with memories of the people I love, the places I've visited, the things I've learned from those around me, AND of inspiring things to try to create. This is why it's the best issue of Living to date for me. It made me feel as though I was spending the afternoon with those I love.
It's been awhile since I've been able to spend quality time with some of those I love. Geographical distances and conflicting schedules have made that afternoon together or on the phone difficult. But, as the boxes slowly start to disappear and as I start to feel grounded in my new life in Omaha (finally living with my husband!), I look forward to catching up with all of you and your families and your lives. And, to sharing that article from Living that made me think of you.